Are you from Notre Dame?

Franc Ribery
The man is a damm good footballer, and yes I know that he is ugly as f@*# because of an accident, but that doesn't stop me having a good old laugh every time I see him!
He is rich though

Carlos Tevez
When you think ugly, surely you think Tevez!
Does he count?

Phil Gould
Do commentators / coaches count?
Have I seen you before?

Were Ronaldinho and Jaa Jaa Binks separated at birth?
Size matters
Tiger at +1 in the first round at Turnberry hey? I knew his biceps were too big.
Mr Clark
Dazed and confused
Can someone please tell me how on earth Waterhouse was sent from the field for making a quality tackle(laughs) when no punishment is handed out to the 2 guys throwing, what I must say say were, quality punches? White lands a cracking punch on Price's chin and knocks him clean out and he gets nothing, not a thing. What the f@#* is wrong with the refs? For that matter what's wrong with the video ref?
On that point, why do we even bother having video refs anyway? There were 3 tries in that game that were questionable at best but because they are now shit scared of getting it wrong they use the "benefit of the doubt" excuse for everything now. I almost thought that they were going to give the Hodges try at one stage it was that bad. Although part of me wanted it awarded just for the effort!
Best Origin ever?
Funny moment
Easily the best origin game for years, it had everything, including a NSW win which always helps, but the moment from last nights game that had me most entertained was the aftermath to the Wolfman's try (who should never play Origin again, but that's a different topic). The exchange went as follows:
Gidley - He f@#*in kicked him in the head
Thurston - F@#* off spastic
Ref - You've come in late with the foot and made contact with the head, it's going on report and it's a possible 8 point try
Thurston - What the f@#* do you mean possible?
Ref - Well he has to kick it first
I thought it was a fantastic moment, showing how retarded rugby league players can be, and the look on the refs face was like "derrrr, idiot"
Mind on other things
Whats the story with Mitchell Johnson at the moment? The guy couldn't hit the side of a barn at the moment. Is it that his mind is elsewhere? Like what he is going to be hitting when he gets back to the hotel that night? I know that's where my mind would be!
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