So it is Grand Final weekend for the NRL and we can only hope that they are able to produce a game half as exciting as the AFL did last weekend. Now that the other "football" codes are wrapping up we might be able to fully focus on the world game for the next few months, well it's either that or watch the cricket.....hahahaha kidding. Have a look at the newest poll which comes about after Gullsy's post on Monday.
Trents Top TipsWell I wasn't able to maintain the 100% record from last week but I was able to get a couple right so all is not lost. So it is the Grand Final of the NRL this week and unless you want to start punting on that wog ball stuff that's where your money should be going.
Tip 1 - Melbourne to win the Grand Final by 13+. No doubt about this one, the Storm are going to be way to strong here. To add a bit of value look at throwing them in with the under 20's Storm team as a multi.
Tip 2 - Richmond Dogs Tonight, Race 7, Number 2 - Xena's Character
Now I know this one comes a little bit from left field but I have a very good feeling about this. I know the trainer and the conditioner of this dog and they are some of the best in the business and top blokes on top of that! The odds are going to be quite healthy so an eachway bet is advisable, but don't be surprised if she comes storming home to victory.
TrentoToughen up mateNow I need to know something first up, is there 2 people that go by the name of Gullsy that write into this blog? If there is then we don't have a problem, however if the last post by Gullsy was written by the same bloke that wrote in about the corporate box style living, then I have a bone to pick with him.
I quite enjoyed his piece on crying in sport, the guy has talent in telling a story, it was entertaining. I even agree with his points of view, so where does my problem with him lie you ask? Well he claims towards the end of his post that he has never shed a tear due to sport, then makes the statement "maybe I’m just a real tough f#*cker!". If this is the same Gullsy you have got to be kidding yourself mate.
There is no way that a bloke who doesn't even sit with the real fans can classify himself as a "real tough f@#*er", no way in hell. I bet you do cry at sporting events you little girl, I bet you cry when your mini quiche are too hot for your delicate mouth, I bet you cry when they don't have your favourite imported beer (who am I kidding, I reckon you drink wine, not beer), I bet you cry when the seats hurt your poor little "toosh".
Mate before you go around claiming to be a tough f@#*er, take a good hard look at yourself, stop getting manicures, stop spending more time in front of a mirror than a chick and stop kissing your boyfriend, maybe then we can talk, one tough f@#*er to another.
HarmoDon't cry for meLet me put one thing out there straight away, I actually think there is room for crying in sport, given the right circumstances of course. Now poor old Roger has taken this crying thing to the extreme, on that point I must agree with Gullsy, but at the same time it is nice to see that he doesn't take winning for granted, which would be his right mind you.
As for the Saints and last weekend, I put that done to shock really, they had just busted their arses for however many months, the premiership was theirs, then it wasn't. Maybe they should tried to keep it to the change room though.
For myself, I'd just like to take you back to THAT night in November 2005. The greatest sporting night I reckon I will ever see live. With the last World Cup spot up for grabs, the game headed into penalties and I don't think I have ever been so nervous in my life. The tension in the air was so extreme a guy 2 rows back from us snapped his seat in half, he just couldn't bare to watch.
In these circumstances the human emotions go through such a roller coaster that an outburst of emotions was inevitable. Now we all know how it finished, Aloisi hits the back of the net, cue absolute pandemonium. I mean I am getting shivers down my spine just thinking about it, just f@#*in awesome. I was hugging anyone and everyone within arms reach, I think I kissed my mother on the cheek for the first time in years, and then more hugs for everyone. Then they hit me....tears. Now call me soft if you wish, but I don't care. That night, in that stadium, under those circumstances, with that result, it became too much. I remember looking across at my brother, tear in my eye and I said "We are going to the World Cup, we are going".
Now that my friends, was worth crying for!
SkinsA little bit of CharityI would just like to give a big congratulations to the editors of this blog for allowing equal opportunity to people of all mental abilities. I think it is a credit to you that you would post something obviously written by one of our less fortunate friends in "Newal". Please don't get me wrong, I am no saint when it comes to spelling and punctuation, but bloody hell!
BennyAnd a reason whyDear facilitator of Yeahmatego,
I assume you’ve received some mail this week regarding the poor spelling and punctuation of contributor Newal, so I offer this explanation.
I have known Newal for a long time and while it may seem as though someone has rearranged the letters on his keyboard, I can assure your readers it is simply due to the fact that he is retarded. While he may not admit his learning difficulty like Senator Steve Fielding, there’s no point criticising, trying to change him or editing his rants before posting (who has the time). I merely implore your readers to enjoy his contributions at face value and if a sentence doesn’t make any sense, simply put it down as one of life’s mysteries. Either that or cut and paste it in word and run a spell check.
BoomA rebuttalDear Dan the Man,
Thanks for your reply to my post but you are sorely mistaken.... You see, I live in Paddington and my comment about Brendan Gan was a rhetorical tort stating that my current low-admiration for Brendan Gan would be superior to what I would feel for a 36 year old washed up has been such as Figo.
And in all honesty good luck to the 2nd Sydney team - but my view is that 2 teams in Sydney will fail worse than the choking Dogs in 09.
You see Dan the Man, I have been to a fair few Sydney FC games and the supporters definitely do not seem like stuck up twats you point out, actually they seem like boys from the West - which is great as Sydney does need a fan base - so ok, this poses another question - so when the West have their own team in the heart of football, who the hell is going to support Sydney FC?
Ok, so we have determined not the West as they will have their own team
Ok, so not the hobbits as they don't come over the bridge as you rightly point out,
and not the stuck up twats cos as far as I know they are busy pretending to like the worst game in the world (rugby union) and wouldn't be seen dead associating themselves with the Cove....
So as far as I can determine that leaves no-one.
So please tell me how this is going to work because my logic spells disaster.
Kind regards,
SpongeBobParramatta 2009: Five Steps to Achieve the Greatest Comeback EverBullshit.
We are days away from the NRL Grand Final and I still can’t believe that Parramatta has made the Grand Final.
Correction. It’s total bullshit.
After 18 rounds Parramatta were 14th and only three points of the last-placed Roosters – and if they happen to win on Sunday, it will be the greatest comeback since 1955, when South Sydney were equal last at the halfway point after winning only three from their first nine games.
However, I think the ride on the Hayne Train will end one station short of Premiership Glory. Because the side they are facing a side that has been waiting twelve months to erase the memory of last year’s record grand final thrashing by Manly. Furthermore, there are two players that have been waiting two years to get the chance of taking the field in a Grand Final.
I’m talking about Cameron Smith and Ryan Hoffman.
Last year the Melbourne Storm missed Hoffman’s go-forward and Smith’s captaincy and creativity around dummy half. But they will have that this time around, along with arguably two of the form players going around at the moment – Billy Slater and Greg Inglis.
So, how does Parramatta defeat a side that has made four straight grand final appearances?
First of all, at every opportunity, they must find touch from their kicks. This will nullify Slater’s ability to create havoc from broken play – just ask Manly and Brisbane.
Secondly, they need to start well. Melbourne has not conceded a point in the first half of their last four games. Conversely, Parramatta’s defence will need to match their opposition’s high standards.
Thirdly, Eric Grothe must not drift infield. The Eels will be kidding themselves in they think the Storm will not try and get him to come in off his wing to create the extra man.
Fourth, and perhaps the most obvious, Jarryd Hayne must get the ball at every opportunity.
And finally, and most importantly, they don’t need to change their game plan. They have won ten out of their last eleven games, so now is not the time to fix something that has served them so well.
Like the last two months, I have been writing this side off, waiting for the old Parramatta to return. For Eels fans, and rugby league fans alike, I hope it doesn’t happen this weekend.
Dazzle’s Tip: Manly - um, sorry, Melbourne by seven.
PS, I heard with interest that David Gallop won’t be changing the current McIntyre System to the AFL format because “if you're good enough from seventh or eighth and you keep winning then you can get through to the grand final and that's what we've seen with Parramatta.” Listen David, you idiot – that argument is flawed because the eighth-placed team in the AFL has to do the same thing! We all know that the AFL format is better, so just change it!
The Dazzler