Below is what might turn out to be the most iconic picture from this years Premier League. The fact that even United fans were clapping speaks volumes. Sorry Browny I couldn't find a picture of Van der Sar and his manbag, but I did see it!

Wishful thinking
Was I the only one hoping that Wenger fell from the wall he was standing on at Trafford?
Trent's Top Tips
What a way to get off the mark hey? The people wanted a top tip and Trent delivered! I hope that plenty of you out there took my advice and whooped into the Mighty Rabbits at the $7 like I did. If you did, can I have a lend? I've already lost my winnings.
Anyway onto this weeks tips.
Tip 1 - I really like Manly this week to beat the Titans by 13+, and for the more adventurous of you I would seriously consider backing them at 19+. Several weeks ago I put couple of pineapples on Manly to win the comp, and I'm still very confident. The Dazzler is going to love me!
Tip 2 - If you like to live life on the edge I would put a little all up on Manly to beat the Titans 13+ into the Broncos to beat the Raiders 13+. Don't say I didn't tell you!
Short and Sweet
Never has my scroll wheel done so much work in so little time.
Dazzler I’d like to paraphrase Pascal, I think it was, when he wrote “I am sorry for the length of this letter, but I had not the time to write a shorter one." I think there’s a lesson in there somewhere.
Take a leaf out of that snob Gullsy’s book, if you’re going to make it long at least entertain me.
Standing up for the Dazzler
Now I know that alot of people have been having a go at this Dazzler bloke over the past few weeks about the length of his rants, and I'm sure there will be a few more come in after his last effort, and maybe they have a point. However, I for one would like to stand up for him. Have you guys even bothered to read the stuff he is writing? This guy has an obvious passion for all sports and his knowledge of them is there for everyone to see. It is not like he is just spitting out shit that has no basis. He is putting forward solid points of view and I for one find them quite interesting.
Normally in the life of males the longer something is the better, and maybe Dazzler is taking this to the extreme. Maybe he is also compensating for some lack of length elsewhere, and if he is so be it. I look forward to the next insight into the mind of Dazzler with my coffee in one hand and caffeine tablets in the other.
(no I'm not Dazzler's mum in disguise)
Diving ??? Only at The Emirates
Don’t get me wrong I am not a fan of diving, but there is no way Rooney dived. “Bruno” made a clumsy attempt to get the ball, and when the keeper dives in like that and doesn’t make contact with the ball he’s fair game. All Rooney has to do is make contact with the ball (which he did) and let physics do the rest. It’s called smart play. Just waiting for the right moment to tap the ball away knowing the moron keeper is going to be sliding in uncontrollably. He doesn’t even have to do anything except wait for the right moment to kick the ball over the goal line. In my opinion that’s not a dive, he just outsmarted “Bruno”.
Another pet hate of mine is when some slow ass defender comes in late, you don’t get out of the way, let him hit you to get a free kick, then you get accused of diving because you didn’t “avoid” his late tackle. What a joke.
Sorry my contribution is so small, but unlike The Dazzler, I have other things to do.
Mr. Clark
Responsible Users of Cocaine FC
The other side of the argument
I have to say that I completely agree with Steveo from the last post. Now don't think for one minute that I am another Arsenal supporter with sour grapes, because I'm actually a Liverpool fan. I mean the last thing we need to hear is another sob story about how the entire league is against Arsenal, we all know that they are against Liverpool anyway, but I digress. My issue is that Wayne Rooney dived to win that penalty and the only people that will deny this fact are Man Utd supporters.
Now I have no problem with what Rooney was doing in principle, he was trying to suck the keeper into making contact, that was the smart part. The f@#*ing dumb part is the moment his small brain decides he will start to fall to the ground before contact is made. The keeper was always going to make contact, he would have been brought down, it would have been a penalty. Why go down early? Well it is because he is a cheat, plain and simple, he was looking for the penalty and he was going to make sure he got it.
F@#* I hate Man Utd
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