King of the Week

He should have won the Brownlow back in 2007, then was ripped off again in 2008. Ablett has been the best player in the AFL for the past 3 seasons and it is about time he got the credit he deserves. By also giving him the crown for this week it gives us a good excuse to slip in a picture of his fine looking lady in as well! Go the Cats!
Dick of the Week

It is deffinately more of a Dunce award this week, but one that is richly deserved. Everyone has a mate, or knows a bloke that is a Dragons supporter, they are everywhere. And after a dry spell that stretches further back than the drought in the Simpson desert, every die hard Dragon supporter was shouting from the rooftops that this was going to be their year. Well I'm sorry guys, not only is it not your year, you now have the honor of being the first Minor Premiers to lose two straight finals. Your story has a distinct Liverpool feel to it!
Clash of the Titans
I thought I was dreaming as I was watching the extraordinary Manchester derby last night. But not because of the 12 minutes of injury time (they always that much at Old Trafford). No, I saw a promo that lit up my heart.
Wednesday morning. Carling Cup. Leeds United vs Liverpool at Elland Road Live on Fox Sports!
Ahh the memories. I remember Mark ‘who ate all the pies’ Viduka scoring four goals against the Merseysiders at Elland Road in 2000. One of the classics. And for a beaten down and bloodied Leeds supporter, win or lose, this will just be a chance to forget the negligence and gross overspending and pretend like it was only a nightmare...if only for 90 minutes. You have to love football.
He's not hard
Sitting back watching the Union on Saturday evening (yeah yeah i know, but I had nothing else to do) and I was taken back by something the commentators said. Now I don't normally take any notice of the dribble that comes out of the Rugby commentators mouths, they can be as bad as big Darryl Eastlake at times, trying to make a pitifully boring sport sound exciting. However their nonsense found a new low on Saturday with this comment "Richie McCaw has made a massive 12 tackles tonight, what a truly wonderful effort". Was her serious or taking the piss? Honestly I need to know, I mean it was very late in the game and they seem to believe that 12 tackles in 70mins is a wonderful achievement. Nathan Hindmarsh makes 12 tackles in the first 5mins of a League game, and yes I realise that they are different games but give me a break. Shit I reckon I could make 12 tackles against the Wallabies, its not like they are a good side!
So our Aussie cricketers have finished their failed tour of England. Yes, we did whip the Poms in the one-dayers, but our ultimate goal was to retain the Ashes, so that’s why I’ve labelled the tour as a failure.
But this isn’t an opinion about the England tour. My opinion this week centres not so much on the Aussies’ next tournament, which happens to be the Champions Trophy, but its location - South Africa. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t South Africa host the World Cup in 2003? What about previously? India hosted the Champions Trophy in 2006, yet they hosted the 1996 World Cup (along with Sri Lanka and Pakistan) and will be hosting the 2011 World Cup. Before that, England hosted the World Cup in 1999 and the Champions Trophy five years later.
So my question is this? When was the last time Australia and New Zealand hosted either of these tournaments? 1992. And herein is my point. For the last 17 years we have been short-changed by the ICC in hosting a major tournament whereas other countries have been given multiple tournaments in a shorter space of time. Granted, we will be hosting the World Cup in 2015 (we would have hosted the 2011 tournament if not for the financial powerhouse that is Asia), but that is still a 23 year gap. Given that Australia has dominated both Test and One-day arenas for at least the last ten years, we should have been given a better deal.
The Dazzler
Who wants to see a chick flick?
I checked on Fox Sports for the starting time of the AFL Semi Final between Geelong and Collingwood on Saturday night and it informed me that the first bounce was at 7:30, great I thought, perfect timing for me. So I get myself ready to sit back and watch the game, flick it over to Channel 10 and what do I find? A fuckin Hilary Duff movie with an hour to play. This is what I hate most about the free to air stations in this country, they have a complete lack of respect for the viewing public. It was the Semi Final of a national competition and they felt it was OK to telecast the game 1 hour later. Sure you have to pay that bit extra to get Foxtel, but fuck me it's worth it. They know what the sports fans of this country expect, and they deliver it.
Oh and did anyone actually see the begining of the game? How many seagulls were on that pitch! Bloody hell anyone would have thought they had spread $20 worth of hot chips out onto the field just before the start of play!
Boy George
For the love of the game
Alone, and bored on a Saturday morning so what do you do? Flick the TV on and find out what sport is on of course! Now I am not one that goes much on the Americans and their sport, but you can never ever question their "love of the game". For the past 2 Saturday mornings I have caught some College Football games on Fox Sports, and hell am I impressed! Last week they had 100,000 spectators at the game, now this is College Football people, not even the NFL! This weekend they had 72,000 and the stadium didnt even have any seating at one end. Can you imagine how many people turn up to watch lets say Sydney Uni vs NSW uni in a game of Rugby Union? hahaha you would be lucky if the canteen lady is there.
Now these fans don't just turn up either, they are bloody crazy! All painted up, novelty sized hands galore, ladies wearing next to nothing. Makes you wish our University system was half as good! Got me wishing that I had been brought up in the US just so I could go to College there, I wonder if it would be like it is in the movies? All the parties and sex.......who am I kidding, my experience would probably have been more Revenge of the Nerds than American Pie.
Whenever I think of College Football all I can see is that Simpsons episode where they are in the carpark outside the game and they turn up and everyone is cooking food out of their boots. Bart and Lisa want to know where their food is, and Homer gives them a plate and tells them to go and steal from everyone else. Good times.
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