King of the Week

Brisbane Lions were 30 points down with 16mins to go, kicked the last 6 goals of the game and won by 7 points, impressive.
All this on top of Chris Judd trying to stop them by using "pressure points behind the ears", which would have to be the best excuse for an eye gauge ever!
Dick of the Week

The diver has shown his ugly head...AGAIN! Just days after claiming that he was an "honest" footballer, and that he didn't dive, all backed up by John Terry claiming "English players don't dive", Rooney dives again and wins a penalty. The fact that he now admits that he dived just makes him even more of a dick!
Show us your tips
Under two minutes remain as the ball goes high into the air and comes down safety. Then a wascally wabbit steals said ball from the jaws of a shark. OneTwoThreeFourFive. Last tackle. I hold my breath…
As the game ends I sit in silence for a moment so as to properly grasp the situation…then.
“Those f@#*in’ Sharks. One f@#*in’ tackle!” I yell as I hurl a cushion towards the screen displaying the Cheshire grin of Craig Wing.
Mrs Boom stands up and leaves the room. Not out of disgust. She simply knows this tirade will not end quickly.
Now I don’t support either team but, you see, I tipped the Sharks – I was practically given a ‘yeahmatego guarantee’. But this wasn’t just one little tipping point. Had the Sharks held on to win, I would have finished outright second in my NRL Footy Tipping Competition and won a cool $380. Instead, I finished fourth and out of the money.
“Imagine how the Sharks players feel.” remarked a naïve Mrs Boom later in the night.
“F@#* the Sharks, I’ll never tip them again.” was my swift reply.
Are you comfortable Edwin?

No manbag, but this pic does give a reason to why Van der Sar likes them!
Also follow this link to watch a quality interview with Edwin
Gay rumors starting here?
Just wondering what Brendan Fevola's fascination with dildos is? Every Mad Monday the guy seems to be waving one around!
Simple Thank you
Can you please pass on my heart felt thanks to this "Trento" fella! I have placed money on his tips for the past 2 weeks and while not really expecting much from them I have been pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I am looking forward to what he has for this weeks edition and I will be keen to have a fair whack with the winnings from the past tips. One day if I ever meet this bloke I will have to buy him a beer, keep up the good work Trento!
Quite Humorous
When I heard the news that Chelski are to be giving a ban that will stop them signing any new players until 2011 I must admit I was pissing myself laughing. This is a penalty that will really hurt a club that lives on signing the best and brightest players that money can buy, and taking this away from them is a quality punishment.
If you have a close look at their squad you will see alot of walking frames within the dressing room so it would come as no surprise that at the end of this season they would be looking to bring in fresh blood to help bolster the team. I for one am glad that they wont be able to, sure it will help the Arsenal, but this is a lesson that they needed to learn, they can't just bully other clubs because they have money.
Word is that when the news broke about the ban, Fat Frank Lampard thought that Chelski players were banned from all fast food restaurants and was last seen on top of the London Eye threatening to jump!
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